Sorry for my absences. I am a little in and out of the blogging world as I am currently producing a small flash animation for my final project @ college. Ok so quick re-cap. I go tmy ears pierced again O_O (second piercing oh wao) and I just might get them pierced again depending on what mother says on my 17th birthday the main goal is to have my ears pierced like winry rockbell from Full Metal Alchemist (Japanese Anime and Manga Want more Info? I shall put a link ❤) ← As you can see winry's ears are pierced quite a few times O_O. now for my favourite subject of all time.
THE 4 O CLOCK VID ISZ HURRR ( GO TO Planet Salem pl0x ❤) I love the way it is shot as when ever I listen to that song I also clap along with it anywya next post might be about my main character his royal highness Cyril Sanjeev ICVID Bunneh ESQ.