So just to note no I did not mean tuesday I spell things a certain things n a certain way for teh lulz and le KAWAAAAIIIIIII-ness

Anyway. Umm. Cres monstar is at school until until about umm 2hours so I shall tell you about my day although it wasn't that fun filled I haz findingz ^_^. Today college was kinda kewl o-o I spent most of the day painting and talking about anime with classmates which I didn't even know liked anime then went to lunch and had spaghetti and meatballs and a yum yum [Oh Greggs ♡] for kinda a dessert type lunch thing what do you even call lunch dessert is it just dessert or something else?

. Oh well. Anywayz, also found something epic.
Me gusta Michaelangelo's "Creation of Adam" in o3o mode.
More liek thees can be found HURR.
This is art I can relate to.
Anyway I have to go food shopping [oh Sainsbury's ♡]
Toodle Pip xX