Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Today's tunes (I feel so old writing tunes)

I was wandering around the streets of london today (As I do.) and had a particular song in my head the entire time.
This is a cover of a Plain White T's song called Rhythm of Love, Needless to say the duo do the song extreme justice >__> perhaps I might even say they sing it better..Shh I never said that. Anyway I adore it and the fact they didn't edit out little parts were they're having fun and messing up and laughing. Listen and Enjoy :D

Tuesday, 4 September 2012


This is gonna be random songs I listen to/like

Pippo showed me this song by accident and it's very catchy. Pippo is one of my bestest friends in the entire universe and is a norsk god of times. (He's norwegian) Oh and he looks like serious cat which makes me giggle.


Thanks to a friend named Jordan (Yes my name is Jordan but he is a boy and the other half to my musical tastes lol) I found and artist named Mugison who is Amaaaazziinnggg.
Sample a lil of his song To the Bone and make your decision :D

Next is a song I discovered after drifting into the lake of emotion that is Jonsi, His voice reaches corners of your heart you didn't even know existed. <3 p="p">


Another friend's friends' band. I saw them at a small gig a few weeks ago and yhey are the nicest people in person and the front man, Will is a freakin Saint. Awesome people. Amazing Music. Life is good.

Camden. I have this song in my head a lot while walking, either that or I'm listening to it lol.

The Skints

The Skints are a friend's friends' band. They play dub/reggae which I adore. I'm gonna put a few videos in this post because they're amazing and addictive.
This is a kinda cover/revamp. Amazing as always.

I listened to this on repeat for about a week. I love Jamie's (The drummer) voice it is sooooo amazing and his song writing skills are.. I don't even have words.

Alrighty that's enough, ENJOY!

Just sayin

I've posted so much in the last ten minutes. Maybe I should slow down..but I have so much to say D: and probably the smallest audience in the world but meh.  I'm gonna be posting strictly videos for a while. Videos and opinions.

Salem does it better

I was at a BBQ the other day (My mum brought me along) and the original of this song was playing and I found myself singing along but in the style of Salem which was very much to my mother and her friend's amusement. My sister thinks I'm an old soul trapped in a young person's body and should've been born in an earlier decade lol (I agree) But anyway I love this song. And excuse my laziness with punctuation. It shall be my downfall.

Salem Cover ;O

I love this. I almost cried at it because it was 3 in the morning when I first saw it and I was getting into my swedish/norwegian music zone which's little light was reignited (Thanks to Pippo). This song always broke my heart a little and then I went into this odd little day dream about having it played for my wedding instead of the traditional wedding march...but let's not get into that. The singer's voice sounds like it needs to be developed a little further but he doesn't do too bad in my opinion and umm the guitarist's timing is a lil off at times but whatever I didn't actually know people covered Salem so this made me happy. Nurgh. 

Mother Of God I Haven't Used This In A While

So um. I don't actually know where I was going with this whole posting on my old blog thing, but to be honest I think this is just gonna be a place for me to put all the weird and wonderful music I've found in my time away. I've grown up a little :D lol actually that's a lie I've aged but my soul is still that of a 5 year old and I am getting along quite nicely as an art student ^__^ I'd show you my work but this laptop s being crappy and won't take pictures for me :(

So yeah to start this off although I think many people will have blogged about this

This happened. Salem featuring on another song that has been broadcast across the world. I like the sound of that, him getting more exposure is always a good thing although he is taking time out to be and yes, I know about this ( >__> I've secretly been checking in on Planet Salem when I'm not studying or drawing or being a teenager) A DAD. I was pleasantly amazed by this fact although yes, at first I did throw a little tantrum, then the adult in me woke up and was like STOP BEING SO CHILDISH. SO ja that's my little umm what's the word induction rant? I'm gonna go with that. Next up some random covers/videos I like :D