Thursday, 25 March 2010

-She would smile shyly-

I know. Random title. but I just went on my Myspace (I don't really use it :S) but anyway to the point. As soon as I went on it "It's True" started playing and now I have this stupid smile on my face. It just goes to show sometimes you just need to listen to a original song to be reminded of how COOL and SPECIAL it really is. Salem's new songs are in the words of moi "teh awesumnezz" but listening to one of his originals from This Is Who I Am is just too classic to dismiss :D

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Gaawwwwd I am LATE.

Wow. I am really late on updating this *CRIIINGE* Well hmm what can I say... umm what has happened...I went to a HIM concert on the 13th!!! It was awweeeesuuummm had so much fun went with mah best buuud rob (he's awesome too for that matter) ahhh but he has all the pix ;3; oh well if I can steal them off him I will show you :) Ville is hawwwt. Came home at 6am on mothers day and my mum was passed out. then proceeded to play xbox for 2hours the sleep till 3pm haha FUUUN. played more xbox and then went to sleep @ 6pm. :S I missed mumz day but still gave my mum her pressies the nxt day so its all kewlio. Still very musical. Salem ROX MAH SOX.Listening to practically everything (including folklore i know right...strange...) but apart from that i've been good. I promise to update later :)
Till then ttyl